1. Meet the Team: Router / Dispatcher Krista Williams

FEBRUARY 09 2022 /

Meet the Team: Router / Dispatcher Krista Williams


Meet Krista Williams, Router / Dispatcher here a JP McHale Pest Management.  She is one of the many friendly staff members in our Buchannan office. 


Krista Williams

Official Title:

Router / Dispatcher

How many years have you been working at JP McHale?

Over 4 years

What are your responsibilities?

Organizing Technicians’ schedules daily

What do you value about working here?

Having the opportunity for a career path where I can continue to learn.  I started as a Customer Service Representative and was able to advance quickly to a Router / Dispatcher.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

Working with amazing colleagues and learning something new daily.

Do you have any local ties to the community?

I have grown up locally in the area and now raise my children here as well supporting many local businesses.

What was the wildest encounter you have experienced?

Finding a snake in the Tree & Lawn office. How ironic, working for a Pest Control company!

What’s a fun fact about you many people may not know about you?

Krista enjoys baking with her kids and watching her daughter in gymnastics. She has also lived on the same street since childhood.

Stay tuned as we continue to introduce more of our team members over the next few weeks!